The Digester Complex is a proprietary blend of the major digestive enzymes provided in a capsule form. This digestive enzyme complex is derived from microbial sources, which facilitates the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates, playing an integral role in digestion. The Digester Complex may be helpful during weight management programs and to ease constipation, bloating, heartburn, and gas symptoms. A multi-enzyme complex consisting mainly of amylase (starch hydrolyzing enzyme), protease (protein hydrolyzing enzymes) and lipase (fat hydrolyzing enzymes), it also contains cellulase (that hydrolyzes cellulose) and lactase (that hydrolyzes lactose). This specialized formula also contains Betaine HCL for under-active stomachs, acid-stable Probiotics for improved intestinal flora, and Bromelain & Papain for additional digestive support. We carry the purest digestive enzymes that are available in supplement form.
All ingredients are GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) rated.
Re-Seal after use. Store in a Cool / Dry place.
Biogenic Foods
Biogenic Foods
Biogenic Foods
Biogenic Foods
Biogenic Foods
Biogenic Foods