Biogenic Foods
The Eliminator is used to gently flush the colon and is an all natural, low-sodium, concentrated, mineral and trace mineral complex harvested from sea water. It purifies and cleanses the digestive tract of intestinal parasites and negative bacteria. The Eliminator helps to decrease your body's toxic load, which increases and improves the functionality of the body's defenses, while enhancing immunity.
NOTE: When using The Eliminator with The Absorber, the dosages will vary for each person to assure that one's bowels are moving at least three times a day. During this program it is vitally important that one has regular bowel movements to keep the The Absorber moving through the system for complete bowel and intestinal cleansing.
Suggested Use: Take 2 to 4 capsules before dinner or at bedtime.
Warning: Do NOT take more than 6 capsules per day.
Nutrition Facts:
Serving Size: 2 Vegetarian Capsules – 1,050 mg
Servings per Pack: 60
Proprietary Blend of Herbs & Extracts, Plus Digestive Enzymes & Ionic Trace Mineral Complex,/p>
Butternut Root Bark Extract 4:1 | Rhubarb Extract 20:1 | Buckthorn Bark Extract 4:1 | Chlorella-Organic Cracked Cell Wall | Raspberry Leaf Extract 4:1 | Irish Moss | Milk Thistle Extract 80% Silymarin | Bioperine - Black Pepper Extract | Burdock Extract 10:1 | Triphala 40% (Amalaki, Haritaki, Bibhitaki) | Licorice Root Extract 26% | Slippery Elm Bark | fennel-4t1 Seed Extract 4:1 | Marshmallow Extract 20:1 | Turmeric Extract 95% Curcumin | Wormwood Extract 4:1 | Cayenne Extract 10:1 | Uva Ursi Extract 20% | Peppermint Leaf Extract 4:1 | Barberry Extract 4:1 | Boswellia Extract 65% Boswellic Acid | Ginger Root Extract 20:1 | Diatomaceous Earth (food grade) | Ionic Trace Mineral Complex | Digezyme - Vegetarian Digestive Enzyme Complex |
* Daily Value not established
Vegetarian Capsule, NO Fillers or Artificial Ingredients. Not manufactured with yeast, wheat, gluten, soy, milk, egg, fish, shellfish or tree nut ingredients.
All ingredients are GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) rated.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
Re-Seal after use. Store in a Cool / Dry place.
During the last century, Butternut Root Bark has been known as one of the "most mild and efficacious laxatives" available, and as one of the "best and safest" laxatives to be found. The Native Americans reportedly boiled the kernels to extract the oil, which was then used like butter. The kernels were also pickled in vinegar by the early settlers. Today, Butternut root bark is getting a well-deserved renewal on interest in its well-documented cathartic properties.
Butternut is good not only as a laxative, but also as a support treatment for various liver disorders and intestinal sickness, as practiced extensively in homeopathy. Butternut Bark of Root, also called White Walnut, is used to expel, rather than kill, worms (vermifuge) during the normal course of laxative-induced cleansing of the body. When combined with anthelmintics, Butternut provides the means to eliminate a parasitic mass from the body. These properties of the herb were well known in America in the early 1800's and probably even earlier.
It is GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) rated.
Rhubarb is used as a laxative, antiphlogistic, and homeostatic in the treatment of constipation, diarrhea, jaundice, gastro-intestinal hemorrhage, menstrual disorders, conjunctivitis, traumatic injuries, superficial suppurative sores and ulcers. It is also applied externally for thermal burns. In TCM terms it Drains Heat and accumulations from the Yangming level, Clears Damp Heat, Cools the Blood, Invigorates Blood, eliminates Stagnant Blood and Clears Toxic Heat and purges knotted Heat and stool from the colon. Concepts in purgation In order to understand the use of purges in TCM it is important to understand the concepts and principles of purgation as applied in herbal practice.
The 3 main types of purging are as follows: 1.Cold purge (heat clearing): for symptoms such as constipation due to inflammation and paralysis of the colon - i.e. knotted Heat. 2.Warm purge (inner warming): for acute circulatory disturbance of the digestive tract due to consumption of cold food and drink, and cold environment - i.e. cold accumulation or Yang deficient constipation. 3.Moistening purge (moisten dry intestine): for constipation due to dehydration or poor nutrition resulting in dryness of the intestine (insufficient colonic membrane secretions) - i.e. dry intestine constipation. 4.Water expulsion: for hydrothorax, ascites, oedema.
It is GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) rated.
Red Raspberry Leaf tea may assist the body in the maintenance of healthy female systems. Its long history of safe human consumption is evident over thousands of years of use by women in Europe and North America to support the body's management of normal reproductive processes. Infusions of raspberry leaf have been traditionally used as a bodily aid by women of the Cherokee, Iroquois and Mohawk nations of North America.
It is GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) rated.
Irish Moss is a sweet and salty seaweed that contains polysaccharides, proteins, mucins, amino acids, iodine, bromine and manganese salts. Its demulcent, nutrient, and emollient pharmacological actions have made it useful for treating lung diseases (associated with dryness) as well as sores and ulcers. The systems of the body affected by Irish moss include the lungs and stomach. Irish moss is used for lung diseases associated with dryness and/or wasting. It is also used topically or internally for ulcers and sores. It is commonly prepared as a syrup with Iceland moss and blackstrap molasses.
It is GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) rated.
Native to Asia and Europe, is the primary source of many herbal preparations. It as a popular root vegetable in Japanese markets (called "gobo") and has been used for centuries as a staple in traditional Chinese medicine for conditions like tonsillitis and measles. Historically, Burdock root has also been administered for conditions such as gout, ulcers, arthritis, rheumatism, and various skin disorders. While studies have been limited to animals and in vitro, the active constituents of burdock have shown anti-bacterial properties making it useful for bacteria-related conditions such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Additional test results have confirmed actions associated with blood purification, toxic immunity, hypoglycemia, and inflammation.
It is GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) rated.
Triphala Amla is recommended and used more than any other Ayurvedic herbal formulation. Popular for its unique ability to gently cleanse and detoxify the system while simultaneously replenishing and nourishing it, this traditional formula supports the proper functions of the digestive, circulatory, respiratory and genitourinary systems. Translated as "three fruits" it is composed of the dried fruits of amalaki, bibhitaki and haritaki. Containing five of the six tastes (all but salty), Triphala readily removes excess vata, pitta and kapha from the body, bringing balance and proper functioning to the system. It is commonly taken as a daily supplement to help maintain balance of the doshas.
It is GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) rated.
Licorice Root Extract has been used in ancient cultures on every continent, the first recorded use by the Egyptians in the 3rd century BC. The Egyptians and the Greeks recognized the herb's benefits in treating coughs and lung disease. Licorice was so valued in ancient Egypt that even King Tutankhamen was buried with a supply. Licorice is the second most prescribed herb in China, where it is suggested for treatment of the spleen, liver and kidney. The Japanese use a licorice preparation to treat hepatitis. At one time in Germany, licorice was a more popular gift to give than chocolate.
It is GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) rated.
Slippery Elm Bark is a very old and very safe remedy. Anecdotal reports of herbalists suggest that powdered bark in hot water will soothe the throat and stomach. Even though the claims are unsupported by clinical trials, the latest laboratory studies suggest that the herbalists were correct.
It is GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) rated.
Primarily used in the treatment of mild, spasmodic gastrointestinal complaints such as flatulence and colic in children, and indigestion, bloating and heartburn in adults. Both the fennel seeds and the root are appetite stimulants and sooth the digestion. The volatile oil has both carminative and spasmolytic actions, and has been shown to increase liver regeneration experimentally. Fennel is a useful remedy for upper respiratory catarrh and has a calming effect on bronchitis and coughs. It is also a natural diuretic, used to treat urinary tract conditions, benefecial as an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agent and has been shown to be effective in vitro against Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans. It is also slightly oestrogenic, and is a well-known means of promoting the flow of breast milk.
It is GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) rated.
Marshmallow has been utilized for thousands of years not only as a food during times of famine, but for its healing properties as an herbal remedy. Primary chemical constituents of Marshmallow include mucilage, polysaccharides, flavonoids (quercetin, kaaempferol), asparagine, tannins, lecithin, and pectin. The great demulcent and emollient properties of Marshmallow make it useful in inflammation and irritation of the alimentary canal, and of the urinary and respiratory organs. Recently, Marshmallow has been used as an expectorant to treat a variety of upper respiratory problems. Marshmallow contains large amounts of vitamin A, calcium, zinc and significant amounts of iron, sodium, iodine, and B-complex. Like slippery elm, Marshmallow reduces inflammation and has a calming effect on the body. The active constituents in Marshmallow are large carbohydrate (sugar) molecules, which make up the mucilage. This smooth, slippery substance can soothe and protect irritated mucous membranes. Marshmallow has been known to relieve indigestion, kidney problems, urinary tract infections, and even external skin wounds such as boils and abscesses.
It is GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) rated.
the potent, hot fruit of cayenne has been used as an herbal remedy for centuries. It was considered helpful by herbalists for various conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, including stomachaches, cramping pains, and gas. In a double-blind study of people with dyspepsia (heartburn), supplementation with 833 mg of cayenne powder in capsules, three times per day before meals, reduced heartburn symptoms by 48%, compared with a placebo. However, two of 15 individuals receiving cayenne discontinued it because of abdominal pain. While Cayenne would certainly help with indigestion and heartburn, I would not recommend it as being the best product to treat your Gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD). However, we do carry several products such as Licorice Root, Marshmallow Root and Slippery Elm Bark that would all be suitable for treating both your indigestion and reflux condition.
It is GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) rated.
Peppermint Leaf is actually quite a new plant, being a hybrid of two other kinds of mint, probably water mint and spearmint. Like all other mints, it is rich in volatile oils, which accounts for its aromatic scent. Most research has focused on the use of peppermint in digestive conditions. Constituents found in the herb appear to aid digestion, relieve nausea and ease spasms, possibly by affecting how calcium is used by the muscles. A recent review of all the clinical studies suggests that enteric- coated peppermint oil is effective in treating irritable bowel disease. Peppermint tea can also be used for colds and flu. In a recent clinical trial, massaging peppermint oil with eucalyptus oil onto the temples relieved headaches.
It is GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) rated.
Barberry bark and roots are traditionally used for digestive complaints, liver ailments, and disorders of the kidneys and urinary tract. Berberis is used to treat hepatitis, cholecystitis (inflammation of the gall bladder), jaundice and gallstones. Pure berberine has been included in eye drops to treat conjunctivitis.
It is GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) rated.
Ginger Root is one of the most important herbs in Ayurvedic medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicines, it is used to treat a number of conditions ranging from digestive upset to arthritis. The part used medicinally and in cooking is the underground stem, or rhizome, which is available in many forms.
Most research has concentrated on the use of ginger in treating nausea and vomiting, especially motion sickness. While not all positive, the majority of clinical trials show that ginger can decrease some of the symptoms of motion sickness, including sea sickness, when compared to a placebo and to some conventional antinausea drugs. Ginger products may also be of help in decreasing nausea caused by anesthetics (see adverse effects) and may be useful in morning sickness (see adverse effects). Large doses of ginger (greater than 5 g per day) may also be useful in treating joint and muscle pains.
It Is GRAS (Generally Recognized as Sage) rated.
A marriage of nature and science, Low-Sodium Concentrated Mineral and Trace Mineral Complex is a mineral supplement concentrated and balanced for greater energy, vitality and well-being. Harvested from the pristine waters of the north shore of Utah's Great Salt Lake, Low-Sodium Concentrated Mineral and Trace Mineral Complex contains a natural balance of 72 verified minerals and trace minerals but without the sodium. Best of all, the minerals and trace minerals in Low-Sodium Concentrated Mineral and Trace Mineral Complex are contained in ionic form, one of the most widely utilized forms of minerals in the body.
It is GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) rated.
”My grandmother has been taking this product for about a year now and insisted that I try it to balance the toxins in my body which were causing chronic infections.”- Pascal Milestone, Denton, TX
”After having a tape worm, I decided to try The Eliminator to make sure I never experienced that torture again. Not only do I feel great, but also safe that nothing will remain in my body that’s not supposed to be there!” - Jamie Mayfield, Seaford, NY
”I never thought I would find a body cleanse that didn’t leave that awful bitter, metallic taste in my mouth. But this product worked like a charm without leaving any time of side effects behind!” – Emery Johnson, Shreveport, LA
”My fiancée was worried about my severe mood swings when I started menopause, so he suggested this product as his mother uses it also. I no longer feel like an emotional roller coaster! Can’t thank you enough – we both can’t!” – Mr & Mrs Myerson, Gainesboro, GA
”I would recommend this product to anyone, especially those who suffer from chronic infections and bacteria. We have been using it for months and tell everyone about it!” – Jameson Family, Arlington, TX
What are the side effects of The Eliminator?
Answer: Since there are only all natural ingredients used in The Eliminator, there are no known side effects from its use.
Can this product be used on a routine basis?
Answer: Yes, this product is a great way to ensure the ultimate protection of the body from bacteria causing agents that can cause infection, worms and parasites to remain in the body. It is safe to use routinely as a proactive approach to healthy body cleansing.
How is this product safe for diabetics?
Answer: Yes. There are no sugars or glucose based ingredients in this product, making it completely safe for both Type I and II diabetics.
Does it matter what time you take The Eliminator?
Answer: We recommend that you take The Eliminator after dinner or before bed to ensure that your body cleanses overnight. At the end of each day, your body has absorbed full day of food consumption and activity which may leave you vulnerable for parasites and bacteria to formulate. Taking this product during the evening hours ensures that you are not placing more toxins in the body while the cleansing process is occurring.
Will The Eliminator increase gas pains and stomach discomfort?
Answer: No! The ingredients used in this product are easily digested by the intestines to promote the cleansing process and are not known to cause bloating, cramping or discomfort in the stomach.
Can I buy The Eliminator in local food stores?
Answer: Although we do not currently supply local food stores with our products, we are equipped to handle all merchant orders. Feel free to have your local food store contact us directly. Many retailers will be happy to carry this item for your convenience. However, purchasing directly through PFL will provide the lowest price possible.
Biogenic Foods
Biogenic Foods
Biogenic Foods
Biogenic Foods
Biogenic Foods
Biogenic Foods
Biogenic Foods
Biogenic Foods